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The Nuclear Fuel Cycle

Undoubtedly the most extraordinary things that happen to reactor fuel happen within the
core of an operating reactor. But a great deal happens to it outside the reactor, both before
and after its sojourn in the core. The odyssey of the fuel material, from its origin in the
earth's crust, takes it from a mine, to a mill, possibly through a specialized facility called
an enrichment plant, and through a fuel fabrication plant before it enters the reactor.
When it emerges from the reactor it may go into storage or into another specialized
facility called a reprocessing plant. Some of the material thereafter reaches a theoretically
final resting place, while the rest may re-enter the process at an earlier stage. The whole
succession of processes, with the transport which links them, is called the nuclear fuel
cycle. In practice it is not very cyclic; but the possibility exists of making it much more
so, provided certain problems - both technical and otherwise - can be overcome. Present
policies within the nuclear industry are generally directed towards this end. But, cyclic or
otherwise, the nuclear  fuel cycle outside the reactor gives rise to many of the most
controversial aspects of nuclear technology. In the following pages we discuss the fuel
cycle, and some of the problems which arise in it.
Uranium Production
Uranium is found in nature as mineralization in sandstones, in quartz pebble
conglomerate rocks, and in veins, and to a smaller extent in other types of deposit. There
are significant uranium reserves in the USA, Canada, Southern Africa, Australia, France
and elsewhere. High-grade uranium ores contain up to 4 per cent uranium; but known
reserves of this quality have been largely worked out, and ore grades ten times lower, 0.4
per cent and less, are now being worked. Still lower grades - down to 0.01 per cent and
less - are also being noted for development.
Uranium ore deposits are found by a variety of exploratory techniques. The folklore
image of the uranium prospector with his Geiger counter, picking his way over the
hillside listening for clicks, has little to do with contemporary uranium prospecting.
Uranium exploration usually begins in the air, looking for abnormal traces of airborne
radioactivity given off by the decay products - so-called 'daughters'  - of uranium.
Airborne instruments look for tell-tale gamma rays and other evidence of radioactivity.
More evidence is assembled on the ground, by studying likely geological formations, by
testing samples chemically, and ultimately by drilling.

Uranium ore is extracted by surface or underground mining. The crude ore is fed into a 
series of crushing mills, which grind it to the consistency of fine sand. Chemical solvents 
then dissolve out the uranium, which emerges from the process in the form of a mixture 
of uranium oxides with a chemical formula equivalent to U308 This oxide mixture,
usually called 'yellowcake', forms the raw material for all the succeeding processes that 
lead eventually to the reactor core and the chain reaction. Yellowcake contains 85 per 
cent uranium by weight. Besides the yellowcake, there remains after extraction some one 
hundred times its weight of residual sand, called 'tailings' - which also contains the 
radium which had accompanied the uranium. There also remains, per tonne of ore, over 
3700 litres of liquid waste, which is both chemically toxic and radioactive. A uranium 
mine and associated mill may produce over 1000 tonnes of uranium per year, from at 
least 250 000 tonnes of ore.
Hazards arise at several stages in the uranium production process. The first of these arises 
from the uranium ore itself, in situ and subsequently. When uranium-238 under goes 
alpha decay, it produces a succession of further alpha-emitters, including radium-226 and 
its immediate daughter-product, the chemically inert but radioactive gas radon-222. Any 
aggregation of uranium which has remained for some time undisturbed - such as a 
geological deposit  - therefore exudes this radioactive gas. When a uranium ore deposit is 58
broken up in mining the escape of the radon is facilitated. Radon-222 is an alpha emitter 
with a half-life of less than four days, which produces its own radioactive 'daughters'. 
These radon daughters are however solids. When a radon-222 nucleus in the air emits an 
alpha particle, the resulting nucleus of polonium-218, being momentarily electrically 
charged, adheres to any dust particle nearby. Accordingly, air containing radon also
contains dust particles laden with intensely radioactive radon daughters. Underground 
uranium miners who are permitted to inhale such air have proved appallingly susceptible 
to lung cancer.
The first evidence of this effect was established by 1930, after medical investigations of 
miners working deposits in Joachimsthal, in Germany. A similar effect has since
appeared in the miners working deposits in the south-western USA after the Second 
World War. Inadequate ventilation and insufficient expenditure on mine safety were 
blamed for the lung cancer deaths of over 100 American uranium miners; out of a total of 
some 6000 men who had worked in American underground uranium mines in the boom 
years of the 1950s the US Public Health Service estimated at the end of the 1960s that 
from 600 to 1100 would die of lung cancer because of radiation exposure on the job. In 
Canada the Royal Commission on the Health and Safety of Workers in Mines - the Ham 
Commission, after its head  - in 1976 devoted an entire chapter of its long report to 'Lung 
Cancer and Ionising Radiation in the Uranium Mines', making twenty-three substantive 
recommendations about desirable improvements.
Uranium mine tailings also present a problem. The military rush for uranium in the USA 
led to accumulation of vast piles of tailings; estimates range as high as 90 million tonnes, 
much of this piled on riverbanks in the south-western USA. The consequent radioactive 
pollution of waterways has represented a serious problem; at one stage inhabitants 
downstream in the Colorado river basin were exposed, through their drinking water, to 
three times the ICRP maximum permissible intake of radium - which is a bone-seeking 
radio-nuclide even more dangerous than strontium-90. Canadian tailings piles likewise 
caused concern; indeed, the Ontario Royal Commission on Electric Power Planning  - the 
Porter Commission  - observed in 1978 that uranium mine tailings might be much the 
most serious long-term radioactive waste problem. Dry tailings are still blown freely by 
the wind across many inhabited areas of the southwestern USA. The tailings piles will 
remain dangerously radioactive for tens of thousands of years.
Meanwhile it was discovered in the 1960s that the sandy tailings had been used as fill 
beneath the foundations of many buildings in many communities, notably Grand
Junction, Colorado: buildings including homes, schools and hospitals. The radon gas 
emanating from these building structures into the air indoors now exposes the local
inhabitants - including children - to exactly the same radon daughter-products which have 
already been responsible for thousands of lung-cancer deaths of miners from
Joachimsthal to Grand Junction. Sorne government aid has been available to reconstruct 
these radioactive buildings; but many residents would prefer that nothing be said about it, 
because of the effect on property values.
Uranium Enrichment59
As indicated in Chapter 1, the fissile uranium-235 nuclei in natural uranium  - 7 out of 
1000 nuclei - are too dilute to support a chain reaction. Their effectiveness can be 
increased by interspersing the uranium fuel with a moderator to improve the neutron 
economy, as already described. Alternatively, or in addition, it is possible to increase the 
proportion of uranium-235 nuclei in the material. This process is called 'uranium
enrichment'. Indeed, for weapons applications, it is possible, and often necessary, to have 
uranium which consists almost wholly of the 235 isotope; such weapons applications use 
uranium which is at least 90 per cent uranium-235.
Bringing about this increase in the concentration of the 235 isotope is not, however, easy. 
Chemically it is very difficult; in chemistry uranium-235 and uranium-238 are virtually 
identical. Only their minute difference in mass - 3 units in 235 - can be used as a basis for 
separation. There are several physical phenomena in which this minute mass difference 
produces a measurable difference in behaviour between the two isotopes. Of these the 
phenomenon of earliest large -scale interest was the rate of diffusion through a thin porous 
membrane. The lighter uranium-235 diffuses just slightly more swiftly through such a 
membrane. this effect is the basis for what are arguably the largest industrial
establishments in the world, the 'gaseous diffusion plants'. There are three such plants in 
the USA; one in the UK, at Capenhurst in Cheshire, now shut  down; two in France, at 
Pierrelatte and Tricastin; two in the Soviet Union. and at least one in China.
The details of gaseous diffusion technology are  - because of their military implications  -
still to a considerable extent secret. The basis of a gaseous diffusion plant is very simple: 
a metal-walled cell, with a thin membrane of porous metal dividing it in two. (Fabrication 
of such membranes, which must withstand lateral pressures and chemical corrosion while 
providing a selective diffusion barrier, is one area where much detail is still not publicly 
available.) In order to utilize the different diffusion rates of the two uranium isotopes, it is 
necessary to convert the original yellowcake, solid uranium oxides, into uranium
hexafluoride, UF6. This compound, called 'hex' for short, is the simplest compound of 
uranium which can be easily vaporized. Furthermore, fluorine has only one stable
isotope; so the different diffusion rates of hex molecules will depend only on the 
difference between the uranium isotopes involved. It must be added that hex is a
viciously corrosive, reactive gas, requiring very careful handling and high-quality 
metallurgy in the vessels through which it travels.
Under controlled pressure hex enters one chamber of a diffusion cell. It diffuses through 
the membrane into the other chamber, the lighter 235 isotopes diffusing slightly faster 
than the heavier 238 isotopes. In a given cell the concentration of 235 can be increased, 
however, only by about one part in a thousand. Accordingly, the diffusion process must 
be repeated thousands of times. A cascade arrangement is set up. Gas from the
high-pressure chamber of a cell, slightly depleted of the 235 isotope, is piped back to 
earlier cells; gas from the low-pressure chamber, slightly enriched in the 235 isotope, is 
piped onwards to later cells. By this means, using thousands of pumps and condensers, it 
is possible to raise the proportion of 235 isotope to more than 99 per cent. Since pumping 
heats the gaseous hex the plant must also include large-scale cooling systems.60
The uranium whose share of 235 nuclei has been reduced is called, as mentioned earlier, 
depleted uranium. One factor affecting the performance of a gaseous diffusion plant is the 
'tails assay' - the level at which the percentage of 235 is so low that it is no longer worth 
trying to extract any more 235 from the hex. This tails assay is usually somewhere 
between 0.2 and 0.3 per cent 235, compared with 0.7 per cent in natural uranium. If the 
depleted hex is discharged from the plant when it still contains 0.3 per cent 235, more 
yellowcake will be required to produce a given amount of uranium enriched to a given 
level; on the other hand if the depleted hex is not discharged until its tails assay is down 
to 0.2 per cent 235, part of the plant operates with very depleted hex, from which it is 
even more difficult to extract a useful amount of 235.
In the early stages of enrichment, diffusion cells must be comparatively large; the 
desirable uranium-235 nuclei are accompanied by a compa ratively cumbersome cloud of 
uranium-238 fellow-travellers. As the proportion of 235 increases, the total mass of hex 
which must pass through successive cells decreases, the high-enrichment end of the plant 
uses comparatively small cells, in which only the 235 nuclei remain, with a few stragglers 
of 238. For this reason the early stages of enrichment, to 3 or 4 per cent uranium-235, 
require as much pumping as all the stages from this level onwards. The effort expended 
in the enrichment process is measured  in units of 'separative work'; the throughput 
capacity of the plant is measured in units of 'separative work per year.' Separative work is 
loosely correlated with the total energy required to carry out an operation  - energy to run 
pumps, etc. In general a comparatively large amount of hex enriched to a few per cent 
requires the same amount of separative work as a comparatively small amount of hex 
enriched to 90-plus per cent.
All the first generation of gaseous diffusion plants were built under military aus pices. 
Their electrical requirements are awesome. The Oak Ridge plant, in full operation,
requires some 2000 megawatts of electricity - enough to power a sizeable city.
(Electricity for the Oak Ridge plant is largely provided by fossil-fuel power plants 
burning strip-mined coal, a nicely ironic touch.) A gaseous diffusion plant likewise takes 
up an impressive area, as much as half a square kilometre. However, because of the 
differences between the low-enrichment end of the plant and the high-enrichment end,
such plants are not easy to convert from production of strictly military weapons-material, 
involving enrichment to more than 90 per cent uranium-235, to production of fuel for 
power reactors. Water reactors and AGRs require for their fuel a level of enrichment of 
only 2 to 4 per cent. In consequence, although the first generation gaseous diffusion 
plants are in theory available to service present power reactors, other approaches to
enrichment are now attracting attention.
France, in partnership with several other countries under the corporate name of Eurodif, 
built a large diffusion plant at Tricastin, designed especially for production of reactor fuel 
and different in detail from the military plant at Pierrelatte. France also planned a further 
diffusion  plant to sell enrichment services to foreign customers; but this consortium, 
called Coredif, came a cropper with the fall of the Shah of Iran, whose government had 
put up 20 per cent of the investment capital for the plant. The consequent financial 61
dispute remains unresolved.
Meanwhile an alternative enrichment technology is making its first contribution to the 
present-day nuclear fuel cycle. Like the gaseous diffusion process this alternative requires 
thousands of stages in cascade; the stages this time consist of gas centrifuges. When 
uranium hexafluoride gas enters a spinning centrifuge, the uranium-238 hex molecules 
tend to drift to the outer perimeter of the centrifuge chamber, leaving the lighter uranium-
235 hex molecules closer to the axis of the chamber. Piping channels the axial hex, 
slightly enriched, onwards to successive centrifuges, and the perimetral hex, slightly 
depleted, backwards  - just as in the cascades of a diffusion plant. It is claimed that the 
centrifuge method consumes only one tenth of the energy required for diffusion, a major 
advantage for the centrifuge approach. The Almelo Treaty in 1970, signed by the UK, the 
Federal Republic of Germany and the Netherlands, created two tripartite consortia, each 
country holding a one-third partnership: URENCO, to sell enrichment services, and 
CENTEC, to manufacture the hundreds of thousands of centrifuges required. URENCO 
centrifuge enrichment plants at Capenhurst in Cheshire and at Almelo in the Netherlands 
delivered their first separative work  in the late 1970s. Both plants continue to expand, as 
new contracts require. A third plant is planned for Gronau in the Federal Republic.
Other techniques are also under development. One is based on deflection of gas sprayed 
from a nozzle: the lighter hex 235 molecules are more easily deflected. A small prototype 
nozzle plant has been built in the Federal Republic, and a larger plant employing the 
same principle is in operation under conditions of great secrecy at Valindaba in South 
Africa. Undoubtedly the most exotic technique for isotope separation is based on lasers. 
A laser can be tuned so finely that its radiation ionizes uranium-235 atoms or hex
molecules while not ionizing uranium-238 atoms or hex molecules. It is then necessary 
somehow to use the ha ndle provided by the electric charge on the ionized atoms or 
molecules to sift the 235 atoms or molecules out of the cloud. Major research
programmes are known to be under way at the US nuclear weapons laboratories at Los 
Alamos and Livermore, at Harwell in the UK, and possibly in Israel and elsewhere. The 
curtain of secrecy around laser enrichment is akin to that surrounding the Manhattan 
Project itself; but oblique reports indicate that the technology is proving entirely feasible. 
The secrecy is all too understandable: unlike the other technologies mentioned, a single 
stage of laser enrichment could conceivably bring about almost complete separation of 
fissile uranium-235 and non-fissile uranium-238, offering an alarmingly short cut to 
weapons-material, even from uranium ore.
Heavy Water Production
Uranium isotopes are not the only ones requiring separation for nuclear applications. At 
the other end of the table of elements come the isotopes of hydrogen - of which the 
second, deuterium, is the best neutron moderator of all. The American and Canadian 
reactor designs offer in this context a tidy contrast: whereas the Americans enrich the fuel 
and take the moderator as it comes, the Canadians take the uranium as it comes and, so to 
speak, enrich the moderator.62
The difference in mass between an ordinary hydrogen nucleus and a nucleus of heavy 
hydrogen or deuterium is proportionally very large; a deuterium nucleus is about twice as 
massive as a nucleus of ordinary hydrogen. As a result certain types of chemical
interchange can be used to separate the light and heavy hydrogen nuclei. The
Girdler-Sulphide (GS) process now in large-scale use employs the two chemically similar 
molecules water and hydrogen sulphide. The former consists of two hydrogen atoms 
bonded to an oxygen atom, the latter of two hydrogen atoms similarly bonded to a
sulphur atom. In a mixture of water molecules and hydrogen sulphide molecules, the 
distribution of the hydrogen isotopes between the oxygen and sulphur atoms depends on 
the temperature. At low temperatures - about 25 C - the liquid water contains
proportionally more deuterium than it does at higher temperatures  - about 100 C. This 
shift of equilibrium can be used to transfer deuterium atoms out of one batch of water and 
into another, using hydrogen sulphide as a sort of conveyor belt.
First the water and hydrogen sulphide are mixed together at the lower temperature; 
deuterium shifts from hydrogen sulphide into water. Some of the enriched water is led off 
for further enrichment. The rest is fed into a tower at the higher temperature; deuterium 
now shifts from this water into the hydrogen sulphide. This enriched hydrogen sulphide 
in turn shuttles back to enrich more water. The depleted water can he discarded, and the 
enriched water fed onward through a cascade, successively boosting its percentage of 
Whereas the enrichment of uranium becomes easier the higher it gets, as far as mass 
transport is concerned, the enrichment of water gradually gets too cumbersome, as the 
water-hydrogen sulphide exchange reaction becomes inefficient. By this time it is
however possible to carry out fractional distillation, utilizing the significantly higher 
boiling temperature of deuterium oxide  - about 1014 C - to boil away much of the 
remaining ordinary water. Electrolysis can refine this to a final composition of 99.75 per 
cent deuterium oxide; by this stage electrolysis is a comparatively inexpensive and
efficient way to dispose of the remaining ordinary hydrogen.
There are perhaps a dozen heavy water production plants in all in the USA, Canada, 
France, India and elsewhere. The continuing international interest in heavy water reactors 
- and the high efficiency of such reactors for plutonium production - seem likely to 
continue to keep current production capacity, of the order of 300 tonnes of deuterium 
oxide per year per plant, fully occupied. On the other hand, heavy water is intended to be 
a permanent part of a reactor system; unlike enriched fuel it is not 'consumed'. Once a 
reactor is equipped with its operating complement of heavy water its only requirement 
from then on is enough to replace losses in refuelling and inevitable leakage. Since heavy 
water now costs upwards of £100 per kilogram operators strive to minimize such losses.
Fuel Fabrication
Fabrication of fuel for reactors is now a major  - and complex  - industrial process in its 
own right. In Chapter 2 we encountered some of the determinants affecting reactor fuel 63
and its cladding: case of heat removal, durability when subject to radiation damage, 
chemical stability, and physical and mechanical properties which lend themselves to
economical fabrication. An additional requirement, at every stage, is establishing and 
maintaining high purity in the materials, to keep them free of neutron-absorbing 
impurities. Fuel fabrication facilities accordingly strive to carry out the relevant industrial 
processes in conditions of cleanliness like those of an operating theatre.
Among the present range of power reactors the only large ones using uranium  metal fuel 
are the UK Magnox reactors, and their French cousins. The awkward metallurgy of 
uranium has already been mentioned. Nevertheless uranium can be fabricated by
common metalworking techniques.
The uranium fuel of water-cooled reactors - PWRs, BWRs, and CANDUs - is in the form 
of uranium dioxide. Uranium dioxide powder is made from uranyl nitrate solution, which 
may originate either in a uranium mill (from natural uranium), an enrichment plant (from 
enriched uranium hexafluoride), or a reprocessing plant. Fabrication by powder
techniques is employed to form the desired shapes  - for instance the short cylindrical 
pellets described in Chapter 2. Baking at high temperature produces stable, dense pellets -
the denser the better; high density facilitates  the chain reaction, improves the generally 
poorer thermal conductivity, and also helps to retain the gaseous fission products which 
accumulate in the fuel material.
If uranium metallurgy is awkward, plutonium metallurgy is positively fiendish. The metal 
occurs in six different crystal phases, whose properties change drastically with
temperature; two phases even contract, rather than expanding, as temperature increases. 
Its thermal conductivity is low, its melting point is low, it oxidizes violently on contact 
with air, and - when its peculiarly vicious radio-toxicity is added to the mix - all in all it is 
a material without many redeeming virtues. Of course, in the one -shot chain reaction of a 
fission bomb most of these problems are overcome in a flash. But for the controlled chain 
reaction in a reactor the choice falls not on the metal but on the dioxide.
Its fabrication is a much more demanding process than that of uranium, requiring much 
tighter control of quantities and ancillaries. Precautions must prevent not only the escape 
of the toxic material but also inadvertent juxtaposition in undesirable geometries; unlike 
most power reactor uranium, power reactor plutonium is mostly fissile nuclei, and may 
easily come together in quantity in such a way as to achieve criticality. The consequent 
barrage of neutrons and gamma rays could cause serious injury or death to anyone near 
by. This is particularly hazardous in the case of aqueous solutions of plutonium
compounds, since the water acts as a moderator. However, with appropriate precautions 
plutonium dioxide can be processed like uranium dioxide; indeed, the two oxides, mixed 
in suitable proportions, are an effective fuel material.
Fuel  rods or fuel pellets, once fabricated, are clad as described in Chapter 2, and where 
appropriate arranged in assemblies for transport to the reactor.
One of the major advantages claimed for central electricity generation with a nuclear heat 
source is the relatively small bulk and mass of fuel and waste that must be transported to 
and from the station. A fossil-fuel station requires so much coal or oil that it is
economically advisable to situate the station near the fuel supply. A nuclear power 
station, on the other hand, requires at most one or two shipments a week; furthermore the 
shipments away from the station are far more massive and bulky than those to the station. 
Fresh fuel elements, only minimally radioactive, can be and are shipped in ordinary cases 
like any other cargo. But once irradiated they must be heavily shielded, so that a 
shipment of two tonnes of irradiated fuel requires a fifty-tonne steel shipping cask.
Fresh reactor fuel and fuel materials are shipped by rail, by road, by water and by air, in 
increasing quantities every year, between various parts of the fuel cycle. Apart from the 
usual protections against low-level radioactivity around the shipping cases, the main
technical consideration is to guard against the stacking of cases so close together that the 
aggregation of fissile material can reach criticality. Elaborate codes of practice are 
published to provide appropriate technical guidelines.
The shipping of irradiated fuel is something else again. The irradiated fuel must be 
handled remotely at every stage. For short journeys irradiated fuel elements usually travel 
in massive water-filled casks which are vaned on the exterior to help dissipate the decay 
heat. For longer journeys, especially those by sea, the casks must be coupled to cooling 
circuitry. Since an accident involving a shipment of irradiated fuel could release
dangerous amounts of radioactivity, shipping casks must pass severe tests, typically a 
thirty-minute fire after a ten-metre fall.
Spent Fuel
One feature distinguishes nuclear power technology from all others: the left-overs. Unlike 
the ash, say, from a coal-fired power station, the used fuel from a nuclear power station 
contains both potentially valuable material and uniquely troublesome waste. Recall that 
the first large reactors were built expressly so that, under neutron  bombardment, the 
uranium-238 in the fuel would be transmuted into plutonium-239. This plutonium had to 
be recovered from the fuel. When the first power reactors came into operation in the mid 
1950s, uranium was still in short supply; so it made sense to recover also the unused 
uranium-235 which was still left in the fuel, after poisoning of the chain reaction by 
fission products and other effects had made it necessary to remove the fuel from the 
reactor. It thus became customary to assume that spent fuel from power reactors, like that 
from plutonium production reactors, should be 'reprocessed'.
A nuclear fuel reprocessing plant is a chemical plant  - but no ordinary chemical plant. 
Because its raw material, irradiated reactor fuel, is intensely radioactive, all the
operations must be carried out by remote control, behind heavy shielding. The process 
equipment must be highly reliable, and require a minimum of maintenance. Once in 
operation it is contaminated by the radioactivity, and any malfunction necessitates 65
months, or indeed years, of decontamination before it can be set right. Accordingly, the 
process line uses as few mechanical parts as possible, and depends instead on gravity 
flow and simple valves.
Different designs of fuel require different handling. The British reprocessing plant at 
Windscale was originally set up to process metal fuel elements from plutonium
production and Magnox reactors. Magnox fuel is stored in a cooling pond adjacent to the 
reprocessing plant. When ready for reprocessing it is  transferred under water, by
operators watching on closed-circuit television, into the building and up into the first of a 
series of 'caves' or 'hot cells'. The walls of the caves are of concrete some two metres 
thick, to intercept the gamma radiation from the fission products in the fuel. Once in the 
caves the fuel can be observed through special windows built into the cave walls. Each 
window is like a large aquarium, filled with a solution of a chemical such as zinc 
bromide, which is virtually transparent to visible light but strongly absorbs the very short 
wavelengths of gamma radiation.
A Magnox fuel element entering the reprocessing caves is picked up by remote control 
and dropped on a stripping machine which chops off the ends of the element and unzips 
the Magnox cladding as easily as peeling a banana. The contaminated cladding drops on 
to a conveyor belt to be transported to another building near by, which looks like an 
aircraft hangar but is actually a heavy concrete storage bin. The bare fuel rod is loaded 
into a transfer magazine and then dropped into a vat of nitric acid, which dissolves it 
ready for reprocessing. The nitric acid is mixed with a solution of an organic solvent. In 
the Windscale plant this solvent has a polysyllabic name which is unceremoniously 
abbreviated to TBP/OK. The uranium and plutonium cross over into the TBP/OK,
leaving behind about 99.96 per cent of the fission products in the water-based acid. This 
acid stream carries these fission products out of the reprocessing plant; its  subsequent 
progress will be described in the following section.
Almost all the uranium and plutonium (not quite all) are now in the TBP/OK stream, 
flowing under gravity from one section of the plant to the next. After another pass 
through a similar 'solve nt extraction' stage, to remove lingering fission products, this 
stream now encounters another water-based solution; the plutonium and uranium at this 
point part company, the plutonium returning to the water solution leaving the uranium 
behind in the TBP/OK. Various chemical manoeuvres occur en route, to bring about 
these shifts of loyalty. Eventually, after repetitions of some steps, the uranium emerges in 
one stream and the plutonium in another, as uranyl nitrate solution and plutonium nitrate 
solution respectively. The uranyl nitrate is converted back into solid uranium oxide and 
stored for possible future use; the plutonium nitrate may be likewise converted back to 
solid oxide, or may be kept in nitrate solution, ready to be made into fast reactor fuel (or 
weapons). Process streams of concentrated fissile material especially plutonium - must be 
designed to guard against accidental criticality. Reprocessing plants have elaborate alarm 
systems to warn personnel in the event of a criticality accident, which  may of course be 
quite invisible, despite the fusillade of neutrons and gamma rays.
Reprocessing oxide fuel is more difficult than reprocessing Magnox fuel, both because of 66
the design of the fuel and because spent oxide fuel, with its longer 'burn-up', is usually 
much more radioactive than metal Magnox fuel. When the Windscale plant was
modernized in the early 1960s, with the construction of the chemical separation plant 
B205, the original reprocessing plant in building B204 was converted into a 'Head End 
Plant' to prepare oxide fuel for reprocessing. During their sojourn in the reactor the 
pellets of oxide fuel swell, and wedge themselves inextricably inside their tubular
cladding. Accordingly no attempt is made to strip off the metal cladding mechanically. In 
the Windscale Head End Plant, an entire fuel element was fed gradually into a cave 
containing an awesome ram-powered shear. This shear would chop through the entire 
element consisting of perhaps more than 100 fuel pins. Each chop produced a burst of 
pulverized pellets and a barrage of centimetre-long rings of cladding which dropped into 
nitric acid. The acid dissolved the remnants of the pellets. The rings of cladding were left 
behind to be stored, with the Magnox cladding, indefinitely. The acid stream then passed 
on to the chemical separation plant in the adjacent building B205.
In September 1973 an unexpected chemical reaction in the Head End Plant led to a 
leakage of radioactivity which slightly contaminated thirty-five employees; the plant was 
shut down and eventually abandoned. The accident was caused by tiny granules of fission 
products, insoluble even in nitric acid and intensely radioactive, accumulating in a
process vessel. The handling of these granules is one of several technical problems which 
arise in the reprocessing of high burn-up oxide fuel. The fierce radiation from fission 
products tends to tear apart the molecules of solvent, especially in the first stage of 
chemical separation; and the replacement and maintenance of key components, like the 
shear for chopping up the fuel, which operate in parts of the plant filled with searing 
radiation, continues to raise questions about the cost and feasibility of reprocessing oxide 
fuel. The operators of the Windscale works, British Nuclear Fuels Ltd (BNFL) put 
forward a proposal in the mid-1970s to build a large new Thermal Oxide Reprocessing 
Plant (THORP). The resulting controversy was prolonged and bitter. Several attempts to 
reprocess oxide fuel have proved unsuccessful. The only civil oxide fuel reprocessing 
plant presently in operation is the French UP-2 plant at Cap la Hague, but the Cap la 
Hague plant too has run into technical difficulties.
Regardless of whether spent fuel is to be reprocessed or not, it must be stored for a time 
after discharge from the reactor, to allow the shortlived fission products to decay. As we 
have noted, the usual procedure had long been to discharge the spent fuel into a
water-filled cooling pond. Recently, however, partly as a result of growing doubts about 
the desirability and feasibility of reprocessing, various methods of longer-term storage of 
spent fuel have been developed. At the Wylfa Magnox station of the CEGB in Wales, 
spent fuel is discharged not into a pond but into a storage magazine cooled by carbon
dioxide  - exactly the same environment as the fuel experiences inside the reactors. 
Magnox cladding deteriorates rapidly in contact with water, becoming unreliable after a 
year or so; but it can be left in a dry gas-cooled storage magazine more or less
indefinitely. The CEGB has recently added two more dry storage magazines at Wylfa, 
cooled by natural circulation of ordinary air. The stored fuel is reported to be still sound 
and safe in storage after some years, and experts conclude that such a storage facility 
would be suitable not only for gas-cooled but also for more hardy watercooled fuel, for 67
periods extending into decades if desired. They note also that the longer fuel of any kind 
is stored, the lower is its remaining radioactivity; reprocessing, if eventually undertaken, 
would therefore be easier the longer the fuel had been stored.
Radioactive Waste
Throughout the nuclear fuel cycle, the materials involved share one common property: 
they are all to some extent radioactive, that is, they  emit radia tion. Natural radioactive 
materials are encountered in mining and milling; the materials remain radioactive
throughout enrichment, fuel fabrication and transport - but their activity is not
particularly intense. This, however, changes dramatically once the y find themselves 
inside an operating reactor: neutrons from reactor cores tend to make their entire
neighbourhood radioactive. So long as the materials in this neighbourhood remain within 
the biological shielding all is well, but radioactivity inevitably  finds a number of escape 
routes from the confines of reactors, however well buttoned up. The most important of 
these is via refuelling, when the entire radioactive inventory of the spent fuel is removed 
from the core of the reactor. We shall discuss in a  moment the eventual fate of this 
concentrated or 'high-level' radioactivity. But less concentrated radioactivity also makes 
its way directly out of an operating reactor, and must be dealt with.
Low-level Waste
Any radioactivity which emerges into the environment outside the biological shield in the 
course of routine reactor operation is called a 'running release'. The simplest kind of 
running release originates just inside the biological shield itself. In reactors with concrete 
shielding close to the core, it is desirable to keep the concrete from being exposed
directly to the heat of the core. Accordingly, except in the case of prestressed concrete 
pressure vessels, a thin layer of air is blown up the inside wall of the concrete and 
discharged to the atmosphere from a stack atop the reactor building. Some of the nuclei in 
the air absorb neutrons and become radioactive, a process called 'neutron activation'. The 
most notable of the activation products is argon-41, a radioisotope of the inert gas argon. 
Some  reactors are known to discharge hundreds of thousands of curies of argon-41 
annually. Fortunately, however, argon-41 has a very short half-life, only some 1.8 hours; 
so this apparently enormous output decays to a very low activity before drifting from the 
stack down to ground level. Other atoms in the air also become activated, but only in 
small amounts and/or for very short half-lives.
Reactor coolant may carry radioactivity out of the biological shield. Impurities in water 
or graphite moderator are susceptible to neutron activation. Carbon - from graphite 
moderator or carbon dioxide coolant or both  - can become radioactive carbon-14. But 
since normal carbon is carbon 12 the transmutation requires the absorption of not one but 
two neutrons and is accordingly infrequent. Heavy water coolant can absorb neutrons, 
turning the deuterium (hydrogen 2) into hydrogen 3, or tritium, which is radioactive. But 
the one coolant which does respond readily to neutron activation is the sodium coolant in 
liquid metal fast  breeder reactors. As already indicated it becomes sodium-24, so
intensely gamma-active that it must be kept entirely within the biological shield.68
The fuel cladding too may contribute to the activity in the cooling circuit, as the cladding 
suffers gradual  corrosion by the hot coolant. Again it is primarily a consequence of 
impurities in the cladding, which has, of course, been made as little susceptible to neutron 
absorption as possible, for reasons of neutron economy. The worst offenders in this 
category are impurities in zircaloy cladding on water-cooled reactor fuel. Corrosion of 
this cladding is enhanced by the intimate contact with the fast-moving fluid at high 
pressure, which quickly carries surface corrosion into the coolant flow.
Much more serious are leaks from the fuel cladding, to which some reactors seem prone. 
The build-up of gaseous fission products inside a fuel rod imposes increasing strain on 
the cladding; if for any reason the cladding develops a flaw the fission gas seeks it out 
and escapes into the coolant. A more sizeable leak also releases the volatile fission
products, among them the dangerous iodine-131. 'Burst can detection gear' in a Magnox 
reactor sniffs out tell-tale radioactivity in the coolant, and locates faulty fuel elements. If 
the reactor can be refuelled on load, it is possible to remove leaking fuel without a 
shutdown. If the reactor, like most water-cooled designs, can only be refuelled off load, a 
shutdown would be necessary. Furthermore fuel which is leaking slowly may be difficult 
to locate. In any case, early replacement of the fuel disrupts the fuel programme and 
distorts the planned pattern of neutron density in the core. For all these reasons leaking 
fuel is frequently left in a reactor until routine refuelling.
These effects make it necessary to decontaminate the cooling circuits of  a reactor. 
Otherwise the unavoidable leakage of radioactivity through valve seals and other
permeable points becomes a potential hazard to personnel, and may interfere with
maintenance. Decontamination is usually done routinely, by bleeding off a small portion 
of the coolant and replacing it with fresh uncontaminated coolant. Of course, each time a 
refuelling machine is coupled to a reactor vessel for on-load refuelling the machine 
acquires a share of the activity in the coolant; this activity must be discharged  - and kept 
track of  - when the machine is depressurized. In the case of carbon dioxide coolant the 
gas bled off - the 'off gas' - is passed through a variety of filters and delay stages.
Boiling water reactors, which pass the primary coolant directly through turbines, are 
especially prone to leakage of active coolant. One possible procedure in such a case is to 
provide storage tanks for coolant bled off. In such tanks the coolant activity can be 
allowed to decay for some months before it is released. Similar hold-up tanks may also be 
provided for drainage from floors, for water from sinks used in decontamination, and for 
water from the laundry in which contaminated clothing is cleaned. Wastes which require 
interim storage in hold-up tanks or the like are called medium-level wastes. The cooling 
ponds for storing irradiated fuel prior to shipment for long-term storage or reprocessing 
usually pick up activity from the exterior of the fue l elements and also from any leaking 
elements,  so this cooling water, too, has to be dealt with. A common procedure is to 
cycle the water slowly through the ponds, continually diverting a small fraction, mixing 
and diluting it with the much greater mass of cooling water discharged from the turbine 
condensers back into the river or coastal water from which it has been abstracted. Water 
treatment systems may also use ion exchangers and other standard forms of purification 69
installations to collect and segrega te radioactive compounds in sludges.
In the course of everyday business in a reactor plant a certain amount of solid material 
also becomes contaminated with radioactivity - floor mops, paper towels, broken
glassware from sampling labs, etc. The volume of contaminated solids ought to be 
reduced by, say, incineration; but at present they are usually simply buried in designated 
burial grounds, or dumped at sea in prepared containers, as are active ion-exchange 
All of the radioactivity which reaches the outside world directly from a reactor
installation by these routes may be lumped together as 'low -level' radioactivity. Until the 
mid-1970s it was not looked upon as much of a problem. Since then, however, two 
aspects of low-level waste have begun to attract concern. One is the sheer bulk of dry 
low-level waste; adequate dumping sites, away from ground-water, and able to isolate the 
radioactivity, are proving more and more difficult to find. More worrying is the presence 
in some low-level wastes, both  solid and liquid, of traces of plutonium and other
biologically hazardous transuranic elements. Removal of these traces would be
troublesome and prohibitively expensive; but they may nevertheless make the wastes too 
dangerous to release uncontrolled into the environment. Such wastes -  in the UK called 
PCM, plutonium-contaminated material, and in the USA called TRU for transuranic  -  
seem likely to become more of a problem, especially if reprocessing and the fast breeder 
reactor become more common.
Just as reactor fuel eventually becomes no longer usable, so too the reactor itself will in 
due course, for one reason or another, be shut down permanently. Unlike a fossil-fuelled 
power station, however, a reactor cannot simply thereafter be dismantled and the ground 
cleared for future use. As indicated earlier, some parts of the reactor - the solid moderator 
and other core materials in gas-cooled reactors, the pressure vessel and possibly other 
parts of the primary cooling circuit, possibly also the concrete biological shielding, and 
possibly also the spent fuel cooling pond  - will be contaminated with radioactivity. This 
complicates both the process of dismantling and the disposal of the resulting remains. 
The question has recently, albeit belatedly, received a great deal of study. The general 
consensus is that such 'decommissioning' of a reactor can be carried out in three stages. 
The first and least expensive stage would involve removal of the spent fuel and drainage 
of the cooling circuits, leaving all the fixed structure of the power station in place; the 
reactor building would be locked and the plant isolated from access by the casual public, 
probably under physical surveillance of some kind to prevent unauthorized entry. The 
second stage would involve removal by dismantling and demolition of all the fixed
structure of the power station except the reactor itself. The third stage would complete the 
process by removing the reactor itself  - pressure vessel, core internals, pipework, steam 
generators, the lot - and clearing the remaining concrete away to leave a site available for 
any future use desired: anything from building a new nuclear power station to growing 
Brussels sprouts.70
Such, at least, is the theory of decommissioning. Unfortunately,  it remains to a large 
extent unsupported by practice. No one anywhere has ever decommissioned a large 
power reactor after its normal working life. Small research reactors have been
decommissioned, and so have a handful of experimental power reactors; but the power 
reactors which have been decommissioned are, not surprisingly, those which did not long 
remain in service after start-up. Their core materials had received only brief exposure to 
neutron radiation, and had little opportunity to accumulate radioactive contamination. 
Even so, the task of decommissioning them has been demanding.
The first power reactor to be decommissioned after even moderate service was the Elk 
River reactor in Minnesota, a 22-MWe BWR which operated only intermittently from 
1964 until its permanent shutdown in 1968. The first and second stage decommissioning 
was more or less straightforward, but removal of the reactor vessel itself required some 
striking imagination. In order to be able to cut apart the heavy steel vessel, without 
exposing workers to any more radiation than necessary from activation products in the 
steel, the demolition team filled the vessel with water and lowered divers into it with 
underwater cutting torches like those normally used on offshore oil installations.
Needless to say the entire exercise was not cheap. Whether it would be feasible at all for 
a much larger reactor, after much more radiation exposure of the materials, is as yet 
unclear. Further important information about techniques and costs will be gathered from 
the decommissioning of the Shippingport reactor  - the first nuclear power plant in the 
USA - which began in 1981. Until someone decommissions a full-scale power reactor, 
the problems will remain uncertain - and the costs frankly 'guesstimates'. Some 
guesstimates have put the cost as high as the original cost of the reactor; others are much 
more optimistic. It seems fairly safe to assume that no one will be in a hurry to embark 
even on second-stage decommissioning, much less third-stage, any sooner  than 
absolutely necessary. There will undoubtedly be a good many mothballed nuclear power 
stations dotted about the landscape in the early twenty-first century.
High-level Waste
Because running releases are as a rule dilute and not very radioactive it is  often said that 
reactors discharge very little radioactivity to their surroundings. This is, strictly speaking, 
true; but it is slightly misleading. Almost all the radioactivity which leaves a reactor does 
so within the used fuel removed from its core. Since the reactor has created virtually the 
whole of this radioactivity, it is somewhat special pleading to imply that the radioactivity 
thenceforth bears no relation to the reactor. On the contrary: the radioactivity from used 
reactor fuel is one of the most challenging problems posed by operation of nuclear 
When a fresh fuel element enters a reactor it is as sleek and glossy as a surgical implant. 
When it emerges again after radiation it is discoloured, possibly even swollen, caked with 
what the nuclear engineers bluntly call 'crud'. Inside the cladding the fuel now contains 
unused uranium-235 and  -238, plus a wide assortment of other nuclei created by the 
fission reactions, neutron absorption and radioactive decay: uranium-237, plutonium-239,  
-240,  -241 and   -242, americium-241 and other so-called 'actinides', and literally71
hundreds of different fission product nuclei and their decay and neutron-activation 
products, including krypton-85, strontium-89 and   -90, iodine-129 and   -131, and
caesium-137. Some of these species have short half-lives., while the irradiated fuel sits in 
the cooling pond or travels from the reactor to long term storage or a reprocessing plant, 
the short-lived isotopes like uranium-237 and iodine-131 decay to insignificance. After, 
say, a hundred days of cooling, its radioactivity arises mainly from radioisotopes of only 
about a dozen elements.
If the spent fuel is left in long-term storage the decay processes continue and the 
radioactivity, still confined, continues to decrea se, albeit less rapidly. If, however, the 
fuel is reprocessed comparatively soon after its removal from the reactor - as is the case 
for instance with most Magnox fuel - the radioactive contents then follow various 
different paths to various different destinations. Assuming that the cladding has been 
gas-tight until it is stripped or chopped open, the gaseous fission products, particularly 
krypton-85, thereupon emerge into the atmosphere of a hot cell. Krypton-85 has a 
half-life of about 10.8 years. It is a chemically inactive inert gas, and is accordingly 
difficult to recapture. Present practice is simply to discharge it from a stack into the 
outside air. (Until 1971 US authorities regarded the amount of krypton-85 discharged 
from their reprocessing plants  as classified  - that is, secret - because it might reveal how 
much fissile material they had produced.) Radiobiologists do not consider that the
consequent gradual build-up of gamma-emitting krypton in the global atmosphere offers 
any present hazards. But if nuclear power programmes expand as widely as some
anticipate, some form of krypton retention will have to be installed in reprocessing plants 
before the turn of the century. (Liquid air already contains enough concentrated krypton-
85 to represent a minor safety hazard to users.) Some similar considerations also apply to 
iodine-129. It has a half -life of 16 million years, and is therefore not very radioactive; but 
since it is concentrated, like all isotopes of iodine, in the human thyroid any significant
build-up in the environment must be viewed with caution.
Within a reprocessing plant there is also an inevitable accumulation of low-level liquid 
and solid radioactive wastes exactly like those which collect in a reactor plant  - indeed 
probably more copious. Solid wastes are buried, or dumped at sea, as before. At the 
Windscale reprocessing plant low-level liquid wastes are discharged into the Solway 
Firth through twin pipelines emptying under water more than three kilometres off shore, 
at the rate of some 500 000 litres per day.
All such routine releases of radioactivity are carried out in accordance with standards laid 
down by national authorities, usually based on the guidelines of the International
Commission on Radiological Protection (see Appendix  B). In the UK, for instance,
discharges of radioactive effluent are monitored by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries 
and Food, as well as by the dischargers themselves, to ensure compliance with standards 
imposed as conditions of operation in licences issued by, among others, the Inspectorate 
of Nuclear Installations, under national legislation. As we describe in Appendix B, such 
standards continue to be the subject of protracted controversy.
If reprocessing takes place, the fuel, apart from the gaseous  or volatile fission products 72
and the cladding - and, in some reprocessing plants, including the cladding - is dissolved 
in nitric acid for first-stage separation. The witches' brew left behind when the uranium 
and plutonium pass over into the organic solvent is called 'high-level waste'. Without 
doubt it is the most daunting waste material produced in any industrial process. At 
Windscale, the reprocessing of one tonne of fuel produces about five cubic metres of 
high-level waste  - that is, about enough to fill five or six bathtubs. The waste contains 
nitric acid, fission products which are both thermally hot and intensely radioactive, iron 
from corrosion of plant vessels, chemical impurities from the original fuel, and a dash of 
carried-over organic solvent. As may be imagined, it requires delicate treatment, to avoid 
unpleasant side-effects like reactions between solvent and nitric acid at high
temperatures. The volume is reduced by evaporation - under vacuum, to keep down 
temperatures. The procedure must be carried out under careful control  - always remotely 
of course - to avoid crystallization or precipitation where it might prove embarrassing 
(such as in process lines) and to keep the fission products at a low concentration so that 
the rate of heat output does not overwhelm the cooling system.
After evaporation the concentrated waste is led to the storage facility near the main 
reprocessing plant. At Windscale this is a concrete building containing an array of special 
storage tanks, eight each of 70 cubic metres capacity and six  - so far  -  of 150 cubic 
metres capacity. The smaller tanks are fitted with cooling coils; each of the larger tanks 
has seven independent cooling circuits, external water jackets which include leak
detectors, and an internal system of agitators to prevent solids from settling on to the 
bottom of the tank. The cooling circuits on one of the larger tanks can remove up to 2 
megawatts of heat  - that is, about 13 watts per litre; this in turn limits the permissible 
concentration of the fission-product stream flowing into the tank. The temperature in the 
tank is kept about 50 C. Gradual evaporation of the water from the solution is
accompanied by gradual decrease of the radioactive heat output; evaporation can be kept 
in step with heat output to maintain sufficiently low concentration. It is also necessary to 
prevent a buildup of hydrogen, produced by the breakdown of water molecules by
radiation  - so-called 'radiolytic hydrogen'. Tanks can be interconnected, to prevent
overloading of cooling circuits with incoming waste of comparatively high output, and to 
provide transfer facilities in case of a leak. Tanks in use are permanently sealed into 
massive steel-lined concrete shielding vaults, never to be seen again. A programme of 
construction of new tanks keeps spare capacity available. At the end of 1981 the total 
volume of liquid waste stored at Windscale was about 1000 cubic metres.
Similar tank storage installations are located at reprocessing facilities in the USA, France, 
Belgium, the Soviet Union, India, China and elsewhere. The most famous - or notorious -
is at the Hanford Reservation in Washington state. Here, in 151 very large tanks, is stored 
the high-level liquid waste - nearly 250 000 cubic metres resulting from recovery of the 
plutonium from the Hanford production reactors, for the US nuclear weapons
programme. It is generally reckoned that tank storage of high-level wastes can only allow
for a useful life of twenty to twenty-five years per tank, albeit perhaps somewhat longer 
for tanks of stainless steel. Many of the Hanford tanks are ordinary carbon steel; more 
than a dozen leaks have already occurred, including at least one very large leak indeed. 
Between 20 April and 8 June 1973 tank 106T leaked some 435 000 litres of high-level 73
liquid waste into the earth beneath it, while plant personnel continued to pour more liquid 
into the tank, oblivious to the falling level recorded on measuring instruments. The  leak 
released approximately 40,000 curies of  caesium-137, 14,000 curies of strontium-90 and 
4 curies of plutonium. Investigators later declared that the radioactivity would not reach 
the level of the ground-water below the tank, but a drilling programme to locate the hot 
waste had to be curtailed, lest new drill holes facilitated the downward migration of 
radioactivity. The leak was the eleventh recorded at Hanford; it was not the last.
Clearly the hazardous life-span of some constituents of highlevel waste far outreaches 
that of a storage tank. Strontium-90 has a half-life of 28 years, caesium-137 one of 30 
years. It takes ten half-lives to reduce the radioactivity of a sample a thousandfold 
(1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 equals 1/ 1024). Accordingly, it 
takes about 300 years for the radioactivity of 1  curie of strontium-90 or caesium-137 to 
drop to 1 millicurie. The high-level waste from 1 tonne of irradiated fuel includes about 
100 000 curies of each. A 1000-MWe PWR produces at least 25 tonnes of irradiated fuel 
per year  - that is, well over 2 million curies of strontium-90 and another 2 million curies 
of caesium-137. Some 300 years hence this particular contribution will have dwindled by 
a factor of a thousand, to only 2000 curies of each: except that 2000 curies of strontium-
90 is not very 'only'. Multiply such figures by the number of reactors now in operation, 
under construction or planned, and the magnitude of the consequent problem becomes 
numbingly apparent. Furthermore present methods do not  - for economic reasons, if not 
for technical reasons - extract all the actinides from the fission product waste;  perhaps 1 
per cent of the plutonium, with its half-life of 24 400 years, is left behind to add to the 
unpleasantness of the residue.
It is evident that such quantities of potentially dangerous radioactivity require scrupulous 
stewardship. While tank storage is regarded as a satisfactory interim measure, efforts 
continue to devise a long-term solution to the problem. To mitigate this burden
somewhat, it is now accepted that high-level waste ought at least to be in solid rather than 
in liquid form, to immobilize the waste, reducing the possibility of its spreading via leaks 
or vaporization. Although reprocessing was long considered an essential stage in the 
management of spent fuel, opinion is now divided as to its desirability. Some consider 
that spent fuel itself  - a solid structure engineered with high integrity to withstand the 
severe conditions inside an operating reactor  - might eventually prove to be the best 
available waste form for final disposal. It is also pointed out that even should
reprocessing prove in due course to be a desirable stage of waste management, it
becomes progressively easier the longer the fuel has been stored, because of the decay of 
the radioactivity. In any case, as we shall describe in later chapters, spent fuel storage is 
de facto  an important interim stage in the waste management process, since oxide fuel 
reprocessing is neither cheap nor readily available.
Be that as it may, a substantial inventory of high-level waste in liquid form already exists 
and will require appropriate treatment before final disposal. Several approaches for 
solidification are under development. In the USA, at Hanford, wastes are simply allowed 
to boil themselves dry inside storage tanks, to be  left as solid cake in the tanks. At the 
National Reactor Testing Station in Idaho, high-level waste is 'calcined' (baked at high 74
temperature) into granules like coarse white sand, which are stored in huge concreteshielded stainless steel bins underground. Another approach, favoured particularly by the 
UK and France, is to evaporate and fuse the high-level waste into dense glass  - a process 
called vitrification. The French AVM (Atelier Vitrification Marcoule) came into
operation in the late 1970s, producing pillars of borosilicate glass impregnated with
high-level waste; British Nuclear Fuels Ltd is building a pilot plant at Windscale based 
on the French technology. The glass pillars will be stored for the foreseeable future, 
pending establishment of suitable final disposal facilities in the two countries - and 
indeed elsewhere, since some of the vitrified waste will eventually be returned to
customer countries, under existing contracts.
The favourite approach to final disposal has long been insertion of solidified highlevel 
waste into a stable geological formation. Finding such an ideal formation has proved, 
however, difficult. For a time rock salt, in beds or domes, was the preferred geological 
stratum. A hole would be drilled into the floor of an underground gallery in a salt dome. 
A waste canister would be lowered into the hole -  by remote control as usual -  and loose 
salt would be poured in after it. The salt would become soft under the intense heat from 
the canister and would snuggle close around it, sealing it permanently in place and
conducting heat away at an adequate rate to keep the solid waste from melting. But 
experience has cast some doubt upon the suitability of salt. 'Salt Vault', a pilot scheme for 
salt-formation storage, was carried out in the USA in the late 1960s near Lyons, Kansas. 
But, despite earlier official pronouncements to the contrary, the site was eventually 
abandoned as unsuitable. A company mining salt on a nearby location pumped several 
thousand cubic metres of water down a drill-hole to bring up dissolved salt; but the water 
disappeared, casting doubt on the alleged impermeability of the salt formation.
Fortunately no high-level waste had yet been buried in it. The search for more reliable 
formations and locations continues - not without controversy.
It is worth noting in passing that the nuclear industry refers, as a matter of course, to 
'waste management'. It looks like a career with a future - a long future.


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